Lyons Lighted Christmas Parade

Join us at 6:00 p.m. for the Lyons Lighted Christmas Parade!
You must register to be in the parade.
Register Here! The deadline to enter is November 13th. DO IT NOW!
Your application and release form must be submitted online and you will receive instructions after submitting the application.
*Overall judging considerations include (where applicable):
First Impression and Overall Appearance
Consistency with the Parade Theme and Christmas Spirit
Originality and Uniqueness
Quality of Workmanship, Construction, Uniforms, or Costumes
Choreography and Enthusiasm
*Award Categories: Don't forget the lights!
Best of Parade – Overall Entry that best displays the Parade Theme in an Impressive Manner.
Best Marching/Dancing/Cheering/Twirling Group – Groups of any size that primarily march, dance, cheer, and/or twirl. May include special characters or unique costumes.
Best Walking Group - Groups of any size that primarily are walking. May include special characters or other unique costumes.
Best Small Float or Vehicle – Entries which are primarily vehicles the size of a full-size P/U truck or smaller and may include a trailer no longer than 15 ft. All vehicles and trailers in the entry should be decorated. May include some people walking.
Best Large Float or Vehicle – Entries which are primarily vehicles larger than a full-size P/U truck or include a trailer longer than 15 ft. All vehicles and trailers in the entry should be decorated. May include some people walking.
The Award Category Names and the Judging Criteria are subject to minor changes based on the actual parade entries received.
Winners in each category receive $100 and a trophy