Southeast Georgia Soap Box Derby

The local derby began in 1992 in Lyons, Georgia.



Soap Box Derby racers compete to go to Akron, Ohio, for the International Soap Box Derby.

Approximately 20 cars competed in only the stock division in SEGSBD's first race. Today, the local race has grown to over 60 drivers competing in Stock, Super Stock, Master’s Division, and Super Kids. In 2014, the Southeast Georgia Soapbox Derby stock division was the second largest in size in the country, next to the All-American race itself.

If you know someone who would like to race, contact Jonathan Gordy at 912-293-5763. We have cars that need racers (You don't have to own a car to compete.)

Stock Division – Racers (age 7-13) compete in cars built from ready-to-assemble kits, which assist the Derby novice by providing a step-by-step layout and components for constructing a basic style car. This division is designed to give the first-time builder a learning experience.
Super Stock Division – Racers (ages 10-17) can expand their knowledge and build a larger, heavier model car from a kit.
The Masters' division (also known as Scottie) is for racers 10-20 years old and is driven by the more experienced drivers. Masters cars can accommodate a child up to (approximately) 6'0" tall and 160 pounds.

The winners from each division are presented with a champion jacket, book bag, and a $1500.00 check to help with expenses for traveling to Akron, OH, to compete in the World Championship Race.

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